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The great white shark, also known as great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, is a large lamniform shark found in coastal surface waters in all major oceans. The great white shark is very well known for its size, with the largest individuals known to have approached or exceeded 6 metres (20 ft) in length,and 2,268 kilograms (5,000 lb) in weight.It reaches maturity at around 15 years of age and can have a life span of over 30 years.

The great white shark is arguably the world's largest known extant macropredatory fish and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals. It is also known to prey upon a variety of other marine animals including fish, pinnipeds, and seabirds. It is the only known surviving species of its genus, Carcharodon, and is ranked first in a list of number of recorded attacks on humans.

The best selling novel Jaws and the subsequent blockbuster film by Steven Spielberg depicted the great white shark as a "ferocious man eater". In reality, humans are not the preferred prey of the great white shark.


Last Sunday I acpanied by the mom and dad for day to aquarium. I visited polar world, aquatic theatre, explore the pool, lovely polar bears, friendly penguins and *** art dolphins left a deep impression on me. I also took part in the latest, attractive virtual nautical activity, undersea around is I saw many bizarre Marine biology, appreciated the world's most beautiful corals. Through this visit, I realized the serious pollution, improved I will protect the ocean and biological consciousness. Hope my students also raise the consciousness of environmental protection. 周六,阳光明媚,我们小记者们在老师们的带领下去武汉东湖海洋世界。 到了海洋馆,我被那儿的一切深深地吸引住了。呀,多漂亮的小鱼儿!白的、红的、黄黑相间的……真是多姿多彩。你瞧,它们时而在水中旋转,时而你追我赶,时而成群结队,好不快活。忽然,一条大白鲨横冲直撞地游过来。顿时,所有的鱼儿吓得四处逃窜,一哄而散。此时,一场激烈的战争拉开了序幕:凶猛的大白鲨冲上前去咬海龟,眼看海龟落入鲨嘴,说时迟,那时快,它机灵地把头和四肢缩进了龟壳,面对硬梆梆的壳子,鲨鱼又攻击了几次,可是无济于事,显然鲨鱼败下兴致,无法得逞,只好灰溜溜地游走了。 海洋馆中不仅有各种各样的鱼儿,还有珊瑚呢,漂亮极了!珊瑚像花一样,又像展开的枝丫。鱼儿像一只只蝴蝶在“花丛”中穿梭,美丽的水母点缀其间,海底世界真是美不胜收。 哈哈,到了中午自由活动时间啦!这里有精彩的动物表演呢。于是我们三五成群,来到了表演地点。节目精彩纷呈,令人眼花缭乱。其中,我最喜欢的是海狮表演。它们自由自在地在水上游玩。突然,一声口哨声让它们游向舞台。表演开始了,首先上场的是海狮姐姐,它表演海上顶球,只见它灵活地按住驯养师抛来的球,稳稳地顶在了头上,还走来走去,真绝!然后是海狮妹妹表演翻滚,由于它身体肥胖,动作显得笨拙,憨态可掬,惹得观众哈哈大笑,在掌声与笑声中,姐姐还表演了高难度的“海上套圈”。妹妹也不甘示弱,拿出了她的独门绝技“水中芭蕾”。 快乐的时间总是短暂的。不知不觉,已到了我们集合回去的时间,我不时地回头遥望海洋馆,多想下次能再来呀!


The White Shark: Introduction (介绍)

Many paleontologists are very interested in living groups, because the study of the living organisms can both unlock their evolutionary history and provide important keys towards interpreting their fossil record. Some living groups have ancient histories. For example, sharks have existed as a group for over 350 million years! Today, sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) are represented by over 600 species that show a remarkable range of ecological and morphological diversity. Unlike the true fishes, sharks do not have internal bone, but instead have a cartilaginous skeleton. Although many people are told that sharks are primitive in comparison to other groups, this is not true. Many sharks are efficient and specialized hunters that have thrived for millions of years.

This small exhibit shows an amazing predator: the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). The white shark is found in temperate waters throughout the world's oceans, and it is an important, though not common, predator in California's coastal habitats. Scientists from several organizations throughout California including the Point Reyes Bird Observatory, the Marine Mammal Center, the California Academy of Sciences, Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, California Department of Fish and Game, and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at UC Berkeley, have been studying white sharks and their prey for several years in hopes to better understand their behavior and ecology.

Food and Feeding(觅食?) Behavior (行为)

White sharks are predatory animals that begin life by feeding on fish, rays, and other sharks, and as they grow, switch to feeding on marine mammals and scavenging on large animal carcasses. Their first mammalian prey are usually the small harbor seal, but as the sharks increase in size, they become large enough to eat sea lions, elephant seals, and small toothed whales. Attack strategy consists of a swift, surprise attack from below, inflicting a large, potentially fatal bite. The pinniped often dies from massive trauma or blood loss, but the bites may be superficial or misplaced on the body, allowing the seal to escape and survive the attacks with their scars as witness. Large white sharks will also scavenge on the carcasses of whale sharks, and on the fat-rich blubber layer of dead whales. They will occasionally feed on sea turtles and sea otters, and are known to attack, but not eat, humans.

Habitat(栖息地) and Distribution{;(生物的)分布区域}

The waters off central California offer a rich bounty of food for white sharks, and every summer and fall they actively feed in nearshore areas. The Farallon Islands, a national wildlife refuge about 27 miles off San Francisco, is a common feeding ground for the sharks. Four species of pinnipeds, the northern elephant seal, the California sea lion, the Steller sea lion, and the harbor seal, live around and breed on these islands, making a plentiful food resource for the white sharks. The coastal waters along central California, especially around the Año Nuevo State Reserve and along the Marin Headlands, is another common feeding area for the sharks. In the summer the sharks feed on seals and sea lions along the coast as far north as Oregon and occasionally the Gulf of Alaska, and in the Fall, they turn south and feed along the offshore islands. It is believed that female white sharks migrate to southern California to give live birth to their offspring. In abnormally warm-water (El Niño) years, white sharks are more plentiful off central California because both they, and their prey, are shifted north. The years 1984-84 and 1991-92 show high trends in white shark predatory activity, and were the warmest oceanic seasons in recent history.

;q=+white+shark 英文搜索


发布时间:2022-12-27 08:08






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