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1、cat猫 2、dog狗 3、pig猪 4、duck鸭 5、rabbit兔 6、horse马 7、elephant大象 8、ant蚂蚁 9、fish鱼 10、bird鸟 11、eagle鹰 12、beaver海狸 13、snake蛇 14、mouse老鼠 15、squirrel松鼠 16、kangaroo袋鼠 17、monkey猴子 18、panda熊猫 19、bear熊 20、lion狮子 21、tiger老虎 22、fox狐狸 23、zebra斑马 24、deer鹿 25、giraffe长颈鹿 26、goose鹅 27、hen母鸡 28、turkey火鸡 29、lamb小羊 30、sheep绵羊 31、goat山羊 32、cow奶牛 33、donkey驴 34、squid鱿鱼 35、lobster龙虾 36、shark鲨鱼 37、seal海豹 38、sperm whale抹香鲸 39、killer whale虎鲸



1. 用英语介绍鱼 小学六年级作文怎么写

Generally speaking,fish is a kind of species which usually lives in the water.There are various kinds of fish in the world.Some are very mon while others are very precious.In fact,fish has many functions and is of vital to people's life.Some countries like Japan

have great dependence on fish.And fish is the main food for Japanese.

Actually,I am very fond of golden fish because it is so beautiful and usually used as a decoration.In a word,fish is very important to human beings.

2. 有关写鱼的英语作文

Since the ancient times, fish have been living in the water, so fish and water has always been a good friend.

Spring girl wearing green clothes came quietly, head fish are floating on the sea surface, watching the spring for the "movie." There is a *** all fish to speak of: "How beautiful ah!" The fish have all said: "yes ah!"

After listening to their conversation stream, very angry and said: "Well, since you view it like to land up ah! My house you can not tolerate the" eyed. "In this way, they are the busy noisy.

The next day, the fish have a good clean up their own "baggage", ready to start it! When led poisonivy ready to say "start", the seaweed they have to persuade: "Do not go, ah, you are the fish, is the water of the animals, if the land up, it would mean the loss of life ah!" But fish in the door not only did not listen to advice, but also scolded those who were ignorant of seagrass. River could not help but feel anger at last, stern voice said: "Do not control them, let them go by!"

To the land, the state of the door at first the fish is also very good, but the fish are very thirsty, his voice all *** oke, and all of a sudden, almost dying fish and the river it? At the time of the terrible quiet during the day is not to mention. River began to regret it.

One day, a kindly old lady came to the riverside walk and saw a lot of "fish", but not yet dead, on the one hand and put them back into a river. However, back to the river, and only 10 others have died. No dead fish were very sad, but also be aware of her own errors, where the river ran an apology. Stream it? Apologize to them.

Since then, the river and fish on and bee inseparable friends.

3. 鱼的英语怎么写


读音:英 [fɪʃ]美 [fɪʃ]

n. 鱼;鱼肉;笨蛋;新手;新囚犯

v. 钓鱼;捕鱼;摸索;搜寻


1、breed fish 养鱼

2、buy fish 买鱼

3、catch fish 抓住鱼

4、eat fish 吃鱼


1、The best fish swim near the bottom.


2、At last,we caught three little fish for our soup.


3、What kind of fish is this?


4、We'll go and look at the fishes in the aquarium next Sunday.


5、I go fishing every weekend.








4. 请用英语介绍一下“鱼”

A fish is a water-dwelling vertebrate with gills that doesn't change form, as amphibians do, during its life. Most are cold-blooded, though some (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded. There are over 29,000 species of fish, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates. Taxonomically, fish are a paraphyletic group whose exact relationships are much debated; a mon division is into the jawless fish (class Agnatha, 75 species including lampreys and hagfish), the cartilaginous fish (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species including sharks and rays), with the remainder classed as bony fish (class Osteichthyes).翻译:鱼鳃是一种形式,不改变水生脊椎动物,如两栖动物一样,在其生命。



5. 描写鱼的英语作文,5句话


this is a kind of animal. there are many kinds of this animal. it is colorful and lovely.

it lives in water. without water it is going to die.

this animal could be eaten by people or other large animals.

please make a guess of what is this animal.


6. 介绍鱼的身体英文作文三句话

I am a girl of eleven. I like animals. Of all the animals, I like fish best. Fishes are animals in water. They swim in water freely. Some fishes are *** all. The *** allest one is as big as a fly. While some are big. The biggest fish grows up to more than 60 feet long. They have different kinds of colors, such as red, yellow, and black. And they have many shapes, too. Some are long, but some are round. Some have gib heads, but some have long tails. I wish I could be a fish and swim in the sea!。

7. 【乐山的特色美食有哪些

乐山境内饮食风味与四川其它地方雷同,以其麻辣味闻名于海外,有“食在中国,味在四川”之美誉,浓郁地方特色菜和小吃种类繁多.乐山小吃久负盛名,许多成都名小吃均源于乐山,乐山钵钵鸡、白宰鸡、来凤鱼、跳水兔、玻璃烧卖、蒸笼牛肉夹饼、豆腐干夹萝卜丝等.乐山数得上来的乐山美食有西坝豆腐、苏稽跷脚牛肉、牛华麻辣烫、甜皮鸭、钵钵鸡、牛华豆腐脑、乐山烧烤、黄焖鸡、排骨面、腊肉粽子、砂锅、凉粉、苏稽香油米花糖…… The Leshan territory or food elsewhere in Sichuan similar overseas famous for its spicy flavor,"food in China,taste in Sichuan" reputation,strong local specialties and a wide range of snacks.The Leshan snacks for a long prestigious the many from the Leshan,Leshan Bobo chicken,white chicken slaughter,Laifeng fish,diving rabbit,glass Dumplings,steamer beef burgers,tofu folder radish.The Leshan count up Leshan Food the Xiba tofu,Suji Rocker foot beef,cattle China Mala,sweet Duck,Bobo chicken,cattle Chinese bean curd,the Leshan barbecue,yellow chicken stew,ribs noodles,bacon dumplings,casseroles,jelly the Suji oil Mihua Tang .。


Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. All whales have forelimbs modified as fins, tails with horizontal flukes and nasal openings on the top the head.

Blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed, 35m in length and 136 tonnes. It is also believed that only half of their brain is asleep at a time because whales can't afford to become unconscious for long or otherwise they may drown.



shark-skin like swimsuit

A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.


revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four

years of research and development that began with the study of shark

skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit,called Fastskin

FSII,increases a swimmer's speed by reducing passive drag through water

by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark

skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the

guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.


'teeth' cover the surface of a shark's skin and the shape and

positioning of these 'teeth' vary across the body to manage the flow of


With these findings Speedo created a full 'bodyskin' with

different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first

time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.



发布时间:2022-12-29 08:10





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