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在国外,没有比失礼更让人尴尬的事情了。不过不要紧,大多数德国人都会装作没看见外国人礼仪上的失误(turn a blind eye on foreigners' mishaps),但这并不意味着你可以为所欲为,还是来看看德国人的礼貌习惯,给他们一个好印象(make a good impression)吧。

shaking hands(握手) germans are great hand-shakers, and they like to do so both when arriving and when departing. it is common for a person who is joining a group to shake hands with every single individual.

drinking(饮酒) beer and wine are part of a normal dinner and alcoholic drinks are usually offered to guests. not drinking, however,




居民中信奉基督教约占一半,另外有46%的人信奉天主教。 德国人德国人纪律严明,讲究信誉,极端自尊,待人热情,十分注重感情。

爱好音乐。 重视称呼,是德国人在人际交往中的一个鲜明特点。

对德国人称呼不当,通常会令对方大为不快。 一般情况下,切勿直呼德国人的名字。




德国少女的发式多为短发或披肩发,烫发的妇女大半都是已婚者。 德国人注意衣着打扮,外出时候必须穿戴整齐、清洁;见面打招呼必须称头衔,不直呼名字;约会准时,时间观念强;待人热情、好客、态度诚实可靠;宴席上,男子坐在妇女和地位高的人的左侧,女士离开和返回饭桌时,男子要站起来以示礼貌;请德国人进餐,事先必须安排好。

和他们交谈更好谈原野风光,个人的业余爱好多为体育活动。接 *** 要首先告诉对方自己的姓名。


忌讳吃核桃。 如果同时喝啤酒和葡萄酒,要先喝啤酒,然后再喝葡萄酒,否则被视为有损健康。

在公共场合窃窃私语,被认为是十分无礼的。 在德国,蔷薇专用于悼亡,不可以随便送人。

忌讳茶色、红色、深蓝色。 服饰和其它商品包装上忌用纳粹标志。

Germany are the vast majority of germans. Residents believe in Christianityaccounted for about half, while 46% of people believe in the Catholic church. Germans German discipline, pay attention to credibility, the extreme self-esteem, others warm, very emotional importance. Love music. Call attention to the Germans, is a distinctive feature in the interpersonal contacts. Improper term for Germans, usually greatly displeased the other side. Under normal circumstances, do not address him by the German name. Its full name, or only its name, can also. And the Germans speak, do not neglect the "you" and "you" the two person pronoun usage. For acquaintances, friends,peers, can "you" proportionality. In Germany, known as the "you" that respect,saying "you", said equality, close. The Germans pay more attention to the hair. In Germany, men should not shave their heads to avoid being treated as "Neo Nazi" molecular. German girl's hair style for short hair or long hair perm hair, most of them are marriedwomen. The Germans pay attention to dress, go out when must be neatly dressed,clean; meet said hello to the title, does not address him by name; date time,strong sense of time; others warm, hospitable, attitude, honest and reliable;the banquet, the man sat in women and people of higher status on the left side, the lady leaving and returning to the table, the man must stand up to show politeness; please the Germans dine, prior arrangements must be made for. To talk to them about the best wilderness scenery, personal *** love a lot for sports activities. Answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names. The Germans most like to eat pork, followed in order to turn the beef. A variety of sausage made of pork, so that the Germans eat a hundred tire.Abstain from eating walnuts. If you also drink beer and wine, to drink and drink beer, wine, or else be regarded as harmful to health. Whispering in public places, is considered very rude. In Germany, Rosa Memorial dedicated to, can not give people. Taboo in brown, red, dark blue. Clothing and other goods packaging Jiyong Nazi symbols.。

3.关于各国礼仪 (要英文)

Western Customs and manners Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool's Day, etc. Such phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close gradually and the world is becoming *** aller and *** aller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, it's a normal phenomenon as well as a necessary trend. Since we have been to Australia, we know how compulsory it is to learn the customs and manners. Australia is an English-speaking country, so many customs are similar to the British ones. For example, the Australians drive or walk on the left hand and you will be fined seriously if you drive on the right hand just like what you do in China. In the first place, let's talk about the language in Australia, you will find the language Australians say does not sound like typical English. For instance, the local people read 'today' like 'To die'.Don't be astonished if you hear them say 'I am very happy to die (today)' I advise you to ask the guide to explain to you the special pronunciations of the local people. In the second place, you should understand the manners of the native people. Usually, foreign people are very enthusiastic, so you should be as zealous to accept their friendship. Smiling is the most important thing to do, laugh or *** ile to them often show your sincereness. Once,on my way to school,I saw an old man walking to me.Although we have never met before,he offered to say 'Good morning'to me with a *** ile on his face. This shinny greeting made me have a nice mood whole day.It can not be more usual in foreign country to greet to a stranger,but in China, it's a very rare thing. When you have meal with foreign friends, always be aware of your table manners as well as how to use folk and spoon correctly. All in all, show the foreigners your shinny *** ile and good manners. Now I want to share some details with you which we had seen in Sydney Opera House.When I entered the famous opera house,I found that all the people were wearing formal clothes. And than the concert started,the whole concert hall had no other sound but the songs.When the church choir turned,an old lady supported by the armchair came onstage slowly——she must be over eighty ,yet she is still active in this kind of activity.I was deeply moved by her spirit. In conclusion, as a Chinese student in other countries, it's our duty to tell them the Chinese splendid cultures and good manners.In return ,we must learn something from our foreign friends.。


中国礼仪与外国礼仪的七区别 《礼记·曲礼上》说:“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳”。

随着国际交往的频繁和普遍,这就要求商务人士了解并得体运用国际商务礼仪,才能友好、真诚地进行交流、沟通和合作。 1、对待赞美 我们和西方人在对待赞美的态度上大不相同。

别人赞美的时候,尽管内心十分喜悦,但表面上总是表现得不敢苟同,对别人的赞美予以礼貌的否定,以示谦虚:“还不行!”、“马马虎虎吧!”、“那能与你相比啊!”、“过奖了!”等。 而西方人对待赞美的态度可谓是“喜形于色”,总是用“Thank you”来应对别人的赞美。

2、待客和做客 我们和人相处的时候,总是习惯从自己的角度去为别人着想。这表现在待客和做客上,尽责的客人总是尽量不去麻烦主人,不让主人破费,因而对于主人的招待总是要礼貌地加以谢绝。




在餐桌上,主人会问客人还要不要再来点,如果客人说够了,主人一般不会再向客人劝吃请喝。 3、谦虚和自我肯定 我们一直视谦虚为美德。


比如,中国学者在作演讲前,通常会说:“我学问不深,准备也不充分,请各位多指教”;在宴会上,好客的主人面对满桌子的菜却说:“没有什么菜,请随便吃”;当上司委以重任,通常会谦虚地说:“我恐怕难以胜任。” 而外国人特别是西方人没有自谦的习惯。


宴请的时候,主人会详尽地向客人介绍所点菜的特色,并希望客人喜欢;而被上司委以重任的时候,他们会感谢上司,并表示自己肯定能干好。 4、劝告和建议 无论是中国人,还是西方人,都喜欢向自己的亲朋好友提一些友好的建议和劝告,以示关心和爱护。

但中西方人在提劝告和建议的方式上却有很大区别。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 中国人向朋友提建议和劝告的时候,往往都非常直接,常用“应该”、“不应该”,“要”、“不要”这些带有命令口气的词。

比如,“天气很冷,要多穿点衣服,别感冒了!”、“路上很滑,走路要小心!”、“你要多注意身体!”、“你该刮胡子了!”、“你该去上班了!”等。 西方人在向亲朋好友提劝告和建议的时候,措词非常婉转,比如,“今天天气很冷,我要是你的话,我会加件毛衣”、“你更好还是把胡子刮了吧。”


否则,会被认为不够尊重自己独立的人格。 Good manners mean being polite, respectful, thoughtful and helpful. Be polite to everyone, no matter who he is. Say “please” and “thank you” whenever you want people to do something. Don't be rude, insulting or demanding. Don't be angry or upset. Even if you get angry, you should be patient and polite. Show respect to everyone, male or female, young or old. Speak to them respectfully. Listen to their advice, and do not interrupt them. Be thoughtful. Imagine yourself in the other's position; respect their needs, wishes, and opinions. Consider their feelings, and don't do or say things that will hurt them. Help people whenever you can. Hold the door for one whose arms are full of packages. Offer to help an old woman to cross the street. If someone asks you for directions, take the time to help him if you can. This will brighten both his day and yours. Having good manners makes things easier. When you are nice to people, they are nice to you in return. Show them good manners and they will do the same to you.。


good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. everyone likes a person with good manners. but what are good manners? how does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

well, here are some common examples. a person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person. when he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him. he doesnt interrupt other people when they are talking. he uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. he does not spite in public places.

ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. for example, people in western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in china, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else. so it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region. but remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.

发布时间:2023-04-06 02:08






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