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What is realme?

Realme is a sub-brand of Oppo that was launched in May 2018 with the aim of targeting the youth market. The brand offers a range of budget-friendly smartphones that come packed with the latest features and technology. Realme has quickly gained popularity in several countries, including India, where it has become one of the leading smartphone brands in a short period.

Realme's Vision

Realme's vision is to offer smartphones that are affordable without sacrificing performance or quality. The brand aims to provide products that deliver a premium experience to its users. Realme's slogan "Dare to Leap" encourages people to take risks and explore new possibilities with their smartphones.

Realme's Product Lineup

Realme has a broad product range that includes smartphones, earphones, smartwatches, and other accessories. The brand's smartphones come in different series, including Realme Narzo, Realme C, Realme U, Realme X, and Realme GT. The Realme GT series is the latest addition to the brand's lineup, and it offers flagship-level performance at an affordable price.

Realme's Approach to Technology

Realme aims to provide cutting-edge technology to its users to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. The brand focuses on providing features that enhance the overall user experience. Realme's smartphones come with powerful processors, high-quality cameras, and long-lasting batteries that make them stand out from the crowd.

Realme's Global Success

Realme has seen remarkable success in many countries, including India, where it captured a significant market share within a short time. Realme's growth in the region can be attributed to its affordable prices, quality products, and aggressive marketing strategies. According to recent reports, realme is now the world's fastest-growing smartphone brand, with over 65 million smartphone sales globally.


Realme is a brand that has quickly disrupted the smartphone market with its budget-friendly yet high-performance products. With its vision of providing affordable products without sacrificing quality, realme has gained a loyal fan base across several countries. Realme's focus on cutting-edge technology and user experience has helped the brand to stand out from the competition. The brand's continued success only reinforces the fact that realme is here to stay and will continue to offer innovative products that meet the needs of its users.

发布时间:2023-08-09 16:01




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