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⭐swerve是什么意思,swerve off

最近网络热点文章💠《swerve是什么意思,swerve off》,很多网友都想阅读✨swerve是什么意思,swerve off的详细内容,芒果文学(www.mangowenxue.com)编辑精心收集整理了相关内容,希望大家都能开心的阅读。

转向 turn; turn to
(迷失方向) lose one's bearings; get lost:
veer 转向;改变观点;风向顺时针转;调转船尾向上风
diversion 转移;消遣;分散注意力
swerve 转弯;突然转向;背离
有很多中解释 这就要看你是哪个意向了


Neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle.

Bang It To The Curb (feat. Sidney Sampson) - Far East Movement
Bang bang it

Bang bang it to the curb

Bang bang it

Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!
Bangin down the block with my Remy bottle
Rep reppin 213, California motto
Serving all the fiends like king taco
My cheese nachos, bossin til you unfollow

Windows down the Lac, just a ass crack
Nothing but the Alpine system on smash
Keep a stash in the dash with a
puff puff pass
Fly faster that the 5O
Bang it to the curb!
Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a ,
make em swerve

Bang bang it to the curb!
Oh word, we absurd, got that fire we can burn
Bang bang it to the curb!
Bang it to the curb, bang it bang it to the curb
Bang it to the curb, bang it bang it to the curb
Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a bitch,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!
Bang it to the curb!

Bang bang it

Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a bitch,
make em swerve

Bang bang it to the curb!

F1 eatin hoes but they my brothers
4 goons at the motel undercover
Play it quick, cruising LA in a Ford Runner
Plus that hatchback booty slappin
like my subwoofer
Slip slidin to yo house, where yo dogs at?
Fat beats for the kitty from the other clap
Hit up city, dancing if you need the fat checks
Lootin liquor stores,
I be flickin match sticks
Bang it to the curb!
Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a bitch,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!
Oh word, we absurd, got that fire we can burn
Bang bang it to the curb!
Bang it to the curb,
bang it bang it to the curb
Bang it to the curb,
bang it bang it to the curb
Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a bitch,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!
Nothing but that fat bass on that fat ass

With my 808 on blast
Nothing but that fat bass on that fat ass
With my 808 on blast
Nothing but that fat bass on that fat ass
With my 808 on blast

Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a bitch,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!

Bang bang it

Bang bang it to the curb
Bang it to the curb, bang it to the curb
Bang it to the curb, bang it to the curb
Hit the town, flip the bird, bust a ,
make em swerve
Bang bang it to the curb!
To the curb!

Bang bang it

发布时间:2024-01-20 09:06

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