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Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. All whales have forelimbs modified as fins, tails with horizontal flukes and nasal openings on the top the head.

Blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed, 35m in length and 136 tonnes. It is also believed that only half of their brain is asleep at a time because whales can't afford to become unconscious for long or otherwise they may drown.


鲨鱼 英语作文在线翻译









鲨鱼 英语作文

shark-skin like swimsuit

A new high-performance swimsuit, developed by mimicking the skin of sharks, will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric, developed by Speedo, is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit, called Fastskin FSII, increases a swimmer's speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny 'teeth' cover the surface of a shark's skin and the shape and positioning of these 'teeth' vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full 'bodyskin' with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time, male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.

Some mob movies are intentionally funny. Others carry all the blunt force of a baseball bat. "Shark Tale," a computer-animated mob spoof ---- not incidentally featuring the voices of two men previously involved in a mob movie co-starring a baseball bat ---- goes for funny.

The end result of a film made by some of the same people who brought us "Shrek" is a visually creative underwater escapade, often charming and amusing, but not supremely clever or all that heart-tugging. "Shark Tale" swims as a technically impressive entertainment, hip and supercool, but not totally engaging.

The story is of Oscar, voiced by Will Smith, who is at the bottom of the food chain, working at the local whale wash. Oscar talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk, seeking fame and glamour but never choosing wisely in his attempts to find those things. If it wasn't for the well-meaning advice of co-worker Angie (Renee Zellweger), an angelfish who harbors a secret affection for Oscar, he would be even deeper into his go-nowhere approach.

Things change thanks to happenstance. The mob-boss shark, Don Lino (Robert De Niro), runs things but has trouble getting his vegetarian son, Lenny (Jack Black), to display the toughness necessary to become a boss himself. When Oscar quite accidentally slays Don Lino's other son, Frankie, then takes undeserving credit for the kill, he becomes a hero and cultural superstar, acquiring the wealth and fame he always desired.

Trouble comes when Oscar must then repeatedly prove he's the shark-slayer he claims. Along with the way, and with the help or interference of several other comical characters ---- voiced by Martin Scorsese, Angelina Jolie, Peter Falk, Katie Couric and other talents, Oscar learns the true meaning of self-respect.

"Shark Tale" is loaded with amiable gags and likable characters, and some juicy touches that end up very funny, such as when a squirming, squealing shrimp is pleading for his life to great comical effect. It also has a primary lesson of accepting yourself and who you are as its main teaching, along with sidebar issues about respect and playing fair.

It all adds up to a reasonably amusing but not oh-wow experience, lacking the same look-at-that ingenuity as "Shrek," even if some of the small touches are very clever.

The movie gives us a chance to hear old pals De Niro and Scorsese trading funny lines ---- many of them improvised ---- taking us back to their many collaborations, including "GoodFellas," referenced above.

Smith is ready-made for the role, and other supporting voices fit just fine. Ultimately, "Shark Tale" is just that ---- fine ---- though nowhere close to a genre breakthrough. Instead, it's a mildly entertaining underwater escapade, a little too aware of itself and its hip intentions, but sometimes dazzling to observe. 有点多啊。。



鲨鱼皮泳衣是人们根据其外形特征起的绰号,其实它有着更加响亮的名字:快皮, 它的核心技术在于模仿鲨鱼的皮肤。生物学家发现,鲨鱼皮肤表面粗糙的V形皱褶可以大大减少水流的摩擦力,使身体周围的水流更高效地流过,鲨鱼得以快速游 动。快皮的超伸展纤维表面便是完全仿造鲨鱼皮肤表面制成的。此外,这款泳衣还充分融合了仿生学原理:在接缝处模仿人类的肌腱,为运动员向后划水时提供动 力;在布料上模仿人类的皮肤,富有弹性。实验表明,快皮的纤维可以减少3% 水的阻力,这在1%秒就能决定胜负的游泳比赛中有着非凡意义。1999年10月,国际泳联正式允许运动员穿快皮参赛。


英文:::The shark dried shark skin swim suit is the people according to the nickname which its contour characteristic gets up, actually it has a more resounding name: The quick skin, its core technologies lies in the imitation shark's skin. The biologist discovered that the shark skin surface roughness V shape folds may reduce fluent greatly the friction force, causes around body's current of water to wind through highly effective, the shark can hover fast. The quick skin's ultra extension textile fiber surface is copies the shark skin surface to make completely. In addition, this model of swim suit also fully fused the bionics principle: Imitates humanity's tendon in the connecting point, delimits when backward the water for the athlete provides the power; Imitates humanity's skin on the cotton material, high resilience. The experiment indicated that the quick skin's textile fiber may reduce 3% water the resistance, this in 1% seconds can decide that the victory and defeat in the swim meet has the extraordinary significance. in October, 1999, Guojiyonglian allowed the athlete to put on the quick skin participation officially.what swim suit but does about put on to tour quickly, the people have explored for many years. The swimming the resistance which meets in the water, with water density, swimming frontal face area, friction coefficient and the swimming speed's square is proportional, therefore reduces the frontal face area and the friction coefficient designs the low resistance swim suit's key.

2.shark-skin like swimsuit

A new high-performance swimsuit, developed by mimicking the skin of sharks, will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric, developed by Speedo, is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit, called Fastskin FSII, increases a swimmer's speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny 'teeth' cover the surface of a shark's skin and the shape and positioning of these 'teeth' vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full 'bodyskin' with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time, male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.

发布时间:2022-12-23 14:51






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