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Established in 1997

the Shark Trust is the UK registered marine charity dedicated to promoting the study

management and conservation of sharks


rays (ela *** obranchs) and chimaera. The Trust works through a series of scientifically supported campaigns

research and education programmes

and strives to provide guidance

facilitate decisions

influence legislation and raise awareness. The Shark Trust is the UK member of the European Ela *** obranch Association. As such

it collaborates with other national member bodies to achieve their aims in British

European and international waters. The Shark Trust is led by a board of Trustees

who oversee a *** all but dedicated Conservation and Administrations team

a voluntary Scientific Committee

and a growing number of mitted supporters. The Trust works not only with the general public but also a wide range of specialists groups including divers

boat owners

politici and fishermen. The Trust is in favour of sustainably managed fisheries and works with both mercial and recreational fishers and their representative anisations in a bid to secure a future for ela *** obranch stocks. The Trust believes in ‘conservation through awareness’. The Shark Trust campaigns involve lobbying of ernment at UK

European and international levels. Campaigning may also involve working directly with stakeholders including mercial and recreational fishing sectors and associated industries

scuba divers

yacht *** en

and the general public. The Trust campaigns in a rational manner using fact based material to support opur positions; we do not engage in direct action. Although our activities may not necessarily grab headlines

they do get results! The Shark Trust's campaigns cover all ects of shark conservation and shark fisheries management

including action against shark finning; campaigning for sustainable European management of shark

skate and ray fisheries; lobbying for improved protection through international (e.g. CITES) and domestic measures (e.g. the Wildlife and Countryside Act); as well as other national and international shark concerns on a case by case basis.

SIZE A scuba diver above a Whale shark. The Whale shark is the largest fish in the world; the basking shark is the second largest fish. There are many different species of sharks that range in size from the size of a person's hand to bigger than a bus. Fully-grown sharks range in size from 7 inches (18 cm) long (the Spined Pygmy shark)

up to 50 feet (15 m) long (the Whale shark). Most sharks are intermediate in size

and are about the same size as people

5-7 feet (1.5-2.1 m) long. Half of the 368 shark species are under 39 inches (1 m) long. BODY SHAPES Sharks have a variety of body shapes. Most sharks have streamlined

torpedo-shaped bodies that glide easily through the water. Some bottom-dwelling sharks (e.g. the angelshark) have flattened bodies that allow them to hide in the sand of the ocean bed. Some sharks have an elongated body shape (e.g.

cookiecutter sharks and wobbegongs). Sawsharks have elongated snouts

thresher sharks have a tremendously elongated upper tail fin which they use to stun prey

and hammerheads have extraordinarily wide heads. The goblin shark has a large

pointed protuberance on its head; its purpose is unknown. VARIETIES OF SHARKS There are about 368 different species of sharks

which are divided into 30 families. These different families of sharks are very different in the way they look


and eat. They have different shapes








method of reproduction

and other attributes. Some types of shark are very rare (like the great white shark and the megamouth) and some are quite mon (like the dogfish shark and bull shark). Sharks belong to the group of cartilagenous fish

the Ela *** obranchii

that includes the sharks


and skates. SKELETON Sharks (like the Goblin Shark pictured above) have no bones; their skeleton is made of cartilage. Sharks are a type of fish that have no bones

only cartilage. Some parts of their skeleton

like their vertebrae

are calcified. Cartilage

a strong fibrous substance

is softer than bone; our nose and ears are made of cartilage. Sharks belong to the group of fishes called Ela *** obranchii

which also includes the rays


and ratfish. The Ela *** obranchii are all fish that have no bones

only cartilage. TEETH Sharks may have up to 3

000 teeth at one time. Most sharks do not chew their food

but gulp it down whole it in large pieces. The teeth are arranged in rows; when one tooth is damaged or lost

it is replaced by another. Most sharks have about 5 rows of teeth at any time. The front set is the largest and does most of the work.

参考: enchantedlearning/subjects/sharks/



A couple of days ago, my dad and I go to the supermarket to buy things. Kingwe saw the sea shark, a shark that is cut in two, I think: sharks in the ocean so ferocious, and King of the sea anyway! But for now, or are we human beings killed, for sale, sell us to eat.

In my opinion, there seem to be two kinds of sharks (character), but the fact that sharks have only one character, in my imagination, the first is: fierce sharks, second: no use of sharks.

In these two species of shark, ferocious sharks is under what circumstances could use the title of it? Is swimming around in the ocean, and very handsome King in front of the sea. Useless shark is a shark be captured by humans, killing, for sale with title.

In the evening, father settle when I went to bed, my dad said to me: "today we see that the shark was cut in two in the future will be eaten by humans, do we humans are cruel, don't you think? "

I replied:" it's very cruel, but, if not cruel, we would starve. Because we still have to eat meat or something. Also, what other herbivores, for example eating cattle, sheep, and our homes not turned into a desert.

Grass, we have better homes. But we are a little cruel. "Dad just smiled and walked out of my room.


There are at least 350 species of shark ranging from the smallest, the pygmy ribbontail catshark (8 to 10 inches long) to the largest, the whale shark (upto 45 feet long)

Sharks are equipped with a special set of sensors, arranged in clusters over their heads, that can pick up electromagnetic currents emitted from other animals. Sharks have bad eyesight, but these sensors help detect prey from 1 to 3 yards away. Sharks can also detect the electromagnetic fields of the Earth and may use this ability to guide them during migration.

Sharks are often thought of as cold-blooded killers that prey on humans. However, only 32 species have been known to attack humans, and most attacks are accidents. Often, sharks inhabit the same shallow, warm-water areas as humans. The shark may mistake a person standing or floating in water for natural prey. The shark goes in for the kill but, after one taste, usually gives up the attack.

Many shark attacks involve people trying to free sharks from fishing nets. Sharks also are territorial animals and may attack if they feel threatened. The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small, and the chances of dying from a shark attack have greatly decreased over the years. In fact, in the United States, a person is 30 times more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark. Dog bites are 1,000 times more common than shark bites.

Sharks are fished for their fins and cartilage. Shark-fin soup is a popular food in some areas. After the fin is cut off, the rest of the shark is discarded. Shark cartilage is a subject of much scientific study because medicine made from it may stop the growth of tumors. Shark cartilage is sold in pill form as an alternative medicine. Shark finning and fishing for cartilage have caused a decline in populations in some areas of the world. Sharks mature and reproduce slowly, so it is difficult for them to rebound from a decline.

Great white shark: Best known from the movie Jaws, the great white is a large, heavy-bodied shark, about 20 feet long, with large bladelike teeth. Widely the most-feared of sharks, great white attacks are rare, and most scientists agree that its reputation is undeserved. Many scientists believe it is endangered due to sport fishing and shrinking food supplies.

Whale shark: Reaching lengths of up to 50 feet, the whale shark is the largest fish on earth. This gentle giant has small teeth like whale baleen, through which it strains small fish and crustaceans.

Tiger shark: The tiger shark is considered one of the most dangerous sharks. It is about 18 feet long and inhabits shallower water, often where people swim. The diet of tiger sharks varies widely and includes all types of sea life and even garbage.

Blue shark : The graceful blue shark is well known to scuba divers and commercial fishers - they have been seen circling divers and have followed fishing boats for days, eating stray fish.

Mako shark : Short-fin and long-fin makos are close cousins with the great white shark. They are very fast swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Mako sharks can even leap out of the water.

Hammerhead shark : Hammerheads are best known for their distinctive mallet-shaped heads and widely spaced eyes, which they swing back and forth while swimming to detect prey. They are the only species of shark known to travel in schools.

Bull shark : The bull shark gets its name from its snout, which is wider than it is long. It is possibly more dangerous to humans than the great white shark because it lives in shallow, murky water in areas where people swim. The real shark attacks on which the movie and book Jaws were based were done by a bull shark.


Sharks are a type of fish.

There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. The biggest whale shark can grow to twenty meters in length. Sharks do not have bones. The skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage. Human noses and ears are also made of cartilage.

A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. Sharks also sense electrical and magnetic energy linked to nerves and muscles of living animals.


发布时间:2022-12-28 04:38




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