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"Grateful heart, thank you, my life, let me have the courage to do my own......" Whenever hear this song, I think of the mother.

"" I'm from accident like a dust, in fact, everyone from the accident. When millions of sperm rob a grain of eggs, the birth of the people it is clear that the unparalleled lucky. However, if there is no mother, there would be no us, is the mother gave us life. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"Can anyone see my fragile". Yes, who can? If is a stranger, maybe not at you. But, for mother, everything you do, and smile already deeply carves into her mind. Who is more than the mother understand us? Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"Heaven and earth is wide and the road but it is difficult to walk". Heaven and earth road is the road of life. When we are young, mother holding our toddler; When we are young, and my mother give us confidence and encouragement; When we grow up, mother is always in her own way to help us. The road of life is too long, but mother always accompany us go. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"I see all this bumpy hard" in the world. When we lose heart, is mother with kind words encourage us; When we are sad sad, is mother with warm words to comfort us. Mother paid too much too much for us. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to be myself; Thanksgiving heart, thank you, mother!








A mother's love is selfless, it is great. A mother's love is not to use in a few words can express it.

And the children of the same age, I to have a proud to be the best mother in the world. Mother's hands warm hand, like enchanting spring, mother's hand is in March in the spring breeze, touched us. Mother is not very beautiful appearance, no fancy clothes, but she is always in my heart the most beautiful, most great.

Mother is selfless, as meng jiao, "who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui." Mother is never say no to our thoughts. That a few days, because learning tension, coupled with the pressure in the heart, I didn't call home for a few days, mother was calling for his sister to her and I talk, then there is shining you kind words. Perhaps really is my fault, let you to hold back the caring heart.

Mother! In increasing wrinkles on your face, and a little wrinkle, is your fee for me a little effort, you for our love did not change, changed the face is you, the deeper the love, love changes and more. Mother traces everywhere, and the world more beautiful for a mother's love. A mother's love, you this warm spring breeze, blow across the earth, wake up the all things.

Goodbye, mother you flash in orbital tears tears, hasn't been out, are you suggesting that I: children you to be strong, you have grown up. Flash in the eye socket tears express you don't give up, too many oath does not represent what, but you must rest assured, I won't let you down.

Day after day, year after year, ten years like one day, spring, summer, autumn and winter transformation, the same is a mother's love, is the mother of appearance, I love my mother, is a kind of different from other emotional love.








1. 我的梦想英语作文80字带翻译

2. 小学生感谢父母的英语作文

3. 初中英语作文:我的一天My day带翻译

4. 我的梦想英语作文80字【附翻译】

5. 高中生城市绿化英语作文80字

6. 介绍我的家庭英语作文80字

7. 关于诚信的英语作文80字精选

8. 我的暑假英语作文80字(附翻译)

9. 关于手机的英语作文60字带翻译



感恩节 快要到来,关于感恩父母的 英语 作文 有什么呢?下面,我为大家整理了一些关于感恩父母的英语作文,欢迎阅读。


Dear dad and mum,you're so selflethat you always keep all good things for me.You're so diligent that you keep on working all day long in order to make a living.Thank you for giving my life.Thank you for your love.Please believe me.I will try my best,I want to see the smile in your eyes.I love you forever .

Mama, thank you for so many years of my education and training, ignorance of the past, I always Jalan you angry, but now I grow up, self-reliance, and I feel that I should not be so na-iv-e, and her mother, I will work hard Learning, you will not live up to my expectations! Really very grateful to my mother to take care of. When I was sick, my mother is always in every possible way to take care of me. When I failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to become disheartened. Really grateful to my mother has done, I know it was my mother I love the performance, really would like to thank my mother. I think in this world, I love you people, my mother

My Mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.

Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.


十多年前的某一天,我们的父母用泪水和幸福的笑容迎接了我们的到来。但当我们来到世上的那一刻起,父母们却多了一项繁重的工作——照顾我们。尽管这是一种沉重的负担,但父母们却毫无怨言地抚养我长大。为了给我们一个舒适的生活环境,他们总是那么辛苦,那么努力。小的时候,我总把这当作天经地义,因为我不了解,也不知道父母的辛苦。现在,我长大了,我知道该怀着一颗感恩之心去体谅父母,应该担当起,照顾、孝敬父母的责任。 刚刚过去的星期天是我20岁的生日,那天,我首先想到的就是要感恩父母,因为有了父母才有了我,才使我有机会在这五彩缤纷的世界里体味人生的冷暖,享受生活的快乐与幸福,是他们给了我生命,给了我无微不至的关怀。儿女有了快乐,最为之开心的是父母,儿女有了苦闷,最为之牵挂的也是父母。舔犊情深,父母之爱,深如大海。因此,不管父母的社会地位、知识水平以及 其它 素养如何,他们都是我们今生最大的恩人,是值得我们永远去爱的人。 同学们,或许一声祝福对自己算不了什么,但对父母来说,这声祝福却比什么都美好,都难忘,都足以使他们热泪盈眶!

One day more than a decade ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. But when we came to the world at the moment, the parents have more of a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents have no complaints and I grew up raising. In order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, then the effort. Small, I always treat this issue as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents. Sun is just past my 20th birthday that day, I would first think of Thanksgiving is to parents, because my parents have only gives me the opportunity to savor the world of colorful and well-being of life, enjoy life happiness and well-being, is that they gave me life, gave me the care of in every possible way. With sons and daughters happy, happy most of the parents, children with depression, it is most concerned about the parents. Licking the calf love, parental love, deep as the sea. Therefore, no matter the social status of parents, level of knowledge and other qualities, they are our greatest benefactor this life is worthy of our love of the people forever. Students might say nothing of their own blessings, but for parents, this sound a better blessing than anything, are unforgettable, are sufficient to enable them to tears

Thanksgiving parents English composition(三)

Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ...

If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.

If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !

But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ...

Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;

Thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!

Let's hearts with gratitude, singing aloud in front of the world, "the heart of Thanksgiving, thank you, with my life ... ..."


























假如今天是我生命中的最后一天,我们要做的第一件事情,就是报答养我育我的父母! “滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。”更何况父母为我们付出的不仅仅是“一滴水”,而是一片汪洋大海。











I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they’re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me.

My parents might work hard, but they’re always there for me. Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they come over first to support me and encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they’re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs.

From my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I’ll never forget their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!



Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.



Since we were born, many people help us a lot. We should be grateful to their kindness. But the ones we should show our greatest appreciation are our parents. From the first day we appear in their lives, they give us all their love and care, but never expect anything in return. As long as they are there, we do not feel any difficulties, because they are always in front of our shelter, preventing us from difficulties and danger. In order to make our lives better, learn better, they do everything they can to create the best conditions for us, but ignore their own needs. Therefore, we need to cherish parents’ love and repay their upbringing. We should treat them as they treat us.



感恩父母的英语作文 篇1

Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ...

If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.

If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !

But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ... Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;

Thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!

Let's hearts with gratitude, singing aloud in front of the world, "the heart of Thanksgiving, thank you, with my life ... ..."

感恩父母的英语作文 篇2

One day more than a decade ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. But when we came to the world at the moment, the parents have more of a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents have no complaints and I grew up raising. In order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, then the effort. Small, I always treat this issue as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents. Sun is just past my 20th birthday that day, I would first think of Thanksgiving is to parents, because my parents have only gives me the opportunity to savor the world of colorful and well-being of life, enjoy life happiness and well-being, is that they gave me life, gave me the care of in every possible way. With sons and daughters happy, happy most of the parents, children with depression, it is most concerned about the parents. Licking the calf love, parental love, deep as the sea.

Therefore, no matter the social status of parents, level of knowledge and other qualities, they are our greatest benefactor this life is worthy of our love of the people forever. Students might say nothing of their own blessings, but for parents, this sound a better blessing than anything, are unforgettable, are sufficient to enable them to tears!

感恩父母的英语作文 篇3

Dear parents,

Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at est.

After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person. My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest!

Best wishes

发布时间:2023-01-05 15:48





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